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All MVA News

Selwyn Rogers and David Satcher discuss ‘Violence Seen through a Public Health Lens’

Photo by Matt Schorr University of Chicago Medicine Chief of the Section for Trauma and Acute Care Surgery and Executive Vice President for Community Health Engagement Selwyn O. Rogers, Jr., MD, MPH; Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance Executive Director Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI; and 16th Surgeon General of the United States David Satcher, MD, PhD.

National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs schedules online "Office Hours" sessions

Office Hours for Complex Care: How to Establish and Maintain Street Medicine Programs within a Hospital Setting Dr. Sheryl Fleisch, a psychiatrist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), will discuss her experience with her successful street psychiatry program, embedded within VUMC. Dr. Fleisch will then answer questions about how to launch and maintain similar programs in partnership with hospitals and medical centers.

Tennessee Health Care Annual Health Advocacy Conference is scheduled for September 15

The Tennessee Health Care Annual Health Advocacy Conference is scheduled for September 15. It will be held at the Nashville School of Law. Consumer advocate and former insurance company executive Wendell Potter, author of investigative books on our health insurance system (Deadly Spin; Obamacare: What's in It for Me) and the influence of money on policy-making (Nation on the Take), will be keynoting.

James Trotter happy for opportunity to work with MVA

NASHVILLE, Tenn. For James Trotter, the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance’s (MVA) new Project Manager, joining the MVA team was all about opportunity. “It was an opportunity for me to get back into project management,” he said. “I wanted to get back into project management, and this was a place where I could grow.”  

Summer research student working toward improving identification of autism

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Brittany Landry’s interest in medicine was cultivated at an early age. For most of her childhood, she lived with her grandparents in Plattenville, LA. She came in contact with several nurses throughout those years, and that sparked an interest in the medical field. As she got older, she began shadowing physicians to get better insight into what being a doctor entailed. She then went to Xavier University of Louisiana to study Biology and earn a Bachelor of Science Degree.