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All MVA News

Pauleatha Diggs is eager to address health disparities

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Pauleatha Diggs wants to make a difference. Her journey into the healthcare field began with a desire to impact health disparities. “I’ve been drawn to specialties in medicine that have significant health disparities and have gaps in connecting with underrepresented groups,” she said. That ambition pushed her to study medical areas where inequality exists, to address those issues and promote positive change.  

African American Men Cancer Summit educates and empowers attendees

NASHVILLE, Tenn. HPV stands for human papillomavirus, the most common sexually transmitted infection. It’s usually harmless and often goes away on its own. In some cases, however, it can lead to cancer in both men and women. This information, despite its importance, isn’t well known among African American men. Many are unaware of HPV, its relationship with cancer or the importance of getting vaccinated.

Jessica Jones, MS joins MVA team as Program Manager

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Jessica Jones, MS, the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance’s (MVA) newest Program Manager, says her path was driven almost entirely by research. “It was the research component that drove me,” she said, “and the projects happened to be centered around preventative health.”  

MVA intern Anastasia Wright wants to impact and learn

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Anastasia Wright wants to travel. She wants to visit other communities, other regions, even other countries as she pursues a career in global health. She hopes to make an impact wherever she goes, but she’s also quick to note that she wants to learn from every place she visits. In short, referencing a well-known science fiction series, she says, “I want to be my own Doctor Who.”  

Summer Research Lunch & Learn ends with discussion of manuscript writing and publishing

NASHVILLE, Tenn. The Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance (MVA) wrapped up its Summer Research Lunch & Learn series on August 21, 2019, with a presentation from Jennifer Erves, PhD, MPH, MAEd, MS, CHES about manuscript writing and publishing. “Writers write every day,” Erves said, challenging those gathered in the MVA’s large conference room. “Have you written anything today?”  

PMHDC Year 5 Pilot Award Application information Webinar

NASHVILLE, Tenn. The Precision Medicine & Health Disparities Collaborative will host a Year 5 Pilot Award Application information Webinar on Tuesday, August 13, 2019, from 2:00 - 3:00 pm CST. The webinar will be presented by Olveen Carrasquillo, MD, MPH from the University of Miami.   Click here to join the meeting.