MVA paper published in Journal of Community Health

MVA paper published in Journal of Community Health

NASHVILLE, Tenn. “Needs, Priorities and Recommendations for Engaging Underrepresented Populations in Clinical Research: A Community Perspective,” a paper authored by researchers from the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance, was recently published in the Journal of Community Health. The article addresses health care disparities that result from underrepresented groups in outcomes research. Engaging these groups, the authors state, is a public health priority for reducing such disparities. “Failure to involve these underrepresented populations in research further exacerbates these disparities,” the article says.

The study brought together 117 community members in 11 community listening sessions. Each member represented racial/ethnic minority, economically disadvantaged, or hearing impaired communities. Through an inductive, qualitative content analysis approach, it identified the following:

  • Uncertainties of underrepresented populations regarding research population
  • Ineffective communication about research opportunities and research findings
  • Research on primary care and prevention are priorities for underrepresented populations in research
  • Research teams need training in cultural competence and humility

“This publication and the study it details is an important step toward facilitating improvement of research participation among underrepresented groups,” Wilkins commented.”

Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance Executive Director Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD MSCI, and Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core Assistant Professor of Medical Education and Administration Yvonne Joosten, MPH are authors, as are Dr. Jennifer Cunningham-Erves, Assistant Professor, Meharry Medical College; Dr. Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core; and Dr. Alecia Malin-Fair, Vanderbilt University.

“We would like to thank you, the community, for providing invaluable insight on your needs and priorities for participating in clinical research. The results of this study provides insight on the next steps for improving research participation among groups that are commonly underrepresented in research.”, state the authors.

For more information, please contact the lead author, Dr. Jennifer Cunningham-Erves at 615-327-5692 or


About the Journal of Community Health

​The Journal of Community Health, a peer-reviewed publication, offers original articles on the practice, teaching, and research of community health. Coverage includes preventive medicine, new forms of health manpower, analysis of environmental factors, delivery of health care services, and the study of health maintenance and health insurance programs. Serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas and clarification, the journal features articles on projects that make a significant impact on the education of health personnel.


About the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance

Founded in 1999, the Alliance bridges the institutions of Meharry Medical College and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Its mission is to enrich learning and advance clinical research in three primary areas -- community engagement, interprofessional education and research -- by developing and supporting mutually beneficial partnerships between Meharry Medical College, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the communities they serve. Through community engagement, the Alliance serves a large community of stakeholders including surrounding universities and colleges, community organizations, faith-based outlets and community health centers. Its interprofessional education enhances students' interdisciplinary understanding and improves patient outcomes through integrated care. The research conducted provides access to experienced grant writers and materials supporting the grant application process and facilitates grant-writing workshops.